What Maya Angelou's Free Verse Poems Taught Me About Finding Purpose in My Work

Discover how the powerful free verse poetry of Maya Angelou inspired a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in one person's professional journey

By:   Daniel Oliver, Published on: 2024-03-29, Last Updated: 29-03-24

Reviewed by: Hazel Max

Table of Contents

Maya Angelou was a very famous poet, writer, and civil rights activist. Her words were extremely powerful and wise. Ever since I was young, I admired her strength, courage, and honesty. Maya Angelou's life showed how impactful words and storytelling can be.

It was a book about her own life. The title of the book is "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings." The book opened people's eyes to racism, difficult experiences, and how strong humans can be. I was young and wanted to be a writer. I felt like her journey of learning about herself through writing stories was like my own journey.

It gave an honest look at the hard parts of life but also showed that people can overcome challenges by being strong and believing in themselves. Maya Angelou became my literary hero; I hoped I could move people with words just like her.

The Dream to Be a Poet

Maya Angelou's free verse poems and quotes inspired me so much. I dreamed of becoming a famous poet, too. In college, I joined the poetry club and my poems were very popular with other students. For a little while, I believed I could follow in Maya Angelou's footsteps. I thought I could impact people through poetry, perhaps even experimenting with a poem generator tool that was just starting to emerge back then. 

However, after graduating, I had to face reality. It led me to jobs in advertising, teaching, and corporate roles. They seemed different from the poetic path I imagined.

Even though I didn't become a poet, Maya Angelou's quotes and free verse poems always stayed with me as an inner voice. Her sayings were comforting reminders. They were about being true to myself, persevering, and pursuing my passions.

My role as a teacher gave me a chance to share Maya's wisdom with my students. Our daily classroom lessons became a space where her words inspired all of us.

As I quoted Maya Angelou's timeless verses to my students, I saw her words have a powerful effect. Young faces that seemed distracted or disinterested now looked purposeful and motivated.

Maya Angelou's voice echoed through the classroom. It brought us comfort, inspiration, and resilience, even during challenging lessons. Her spirit guided us to see that education wasn't just a means to a degree, but a chance to expand our minds and impact the world.

I didn't achieve my childhood dream of poetic success. But Maya Angelou's free verse poems and some quotes taught me that purpose can be found anywhere. Her wisdom lights the way in classrooms, lecture halls, or playgrounds. It reveals the poetry woven into all parts of our lives and learning.

Maya Angelou’s Poems: Haiku And Free Verse Poems

1. Still I Rise

In this well-known free verse poem, Angelou shows how she keeps going even when things are hard. She uses powerful words and images to say that she won't let bad things like unfairness and hate keep her down. The poem encourages people to be proud of who they are and to keep fighting.

2. Phenomenal Woman

In this free verse poem, Angelou says that women are amazing just the way they are. She doesn't follow the usual ideas about beauty. Instead, she celebrates the beauty that comes from inside, like being confident and strong. The poem tells women to love themselves and be proud of who they are.

3. Caged Bird

In this free verse poem, Maya Angelou compares two different birds - one bird trapped in a cage and another free bird. The caged bird represents people who are not free and being treated unfairly. This bird wants to be able to fly and be free like the other bird. The free bird can go wherever it wants without anything holding it back. It has freedom. Angelou uses very descriptive and powerful words to compare these two birds. Through this comparison, she shows how determined and brave people can be when they want to be free from unfair treatment. 

The caged bird keeps trying to get out and have the same freedom as the bird flying free. This shows the strength of people fighting for their rights. Maya Angelou's words make us understand how badly the caged bird wants liberty and how hard it will try to break free from its cage. Her powerful comparisons highlight the resilience of the human spirit in the face of oppression and the unbreakable desire for freedom.

4. Africa’s sun smiled

In this very short poem called a haiku, Angelou shows the warmth and pretty sights of Africa. The picture she paints is of the sun having a big smile over Africa. This happy image of the smiling sun makes us feel good and joyful. It also reminds us to notice and enjoy the many different types of beauty across the African continent.

There are beautiful landscapes, animals, cultures, and people in the diverse countries of Africa. With just a few words, Angelou captures the warmth, sunshine, and variety of great things we can appreciate about the African continent. Her smiling sun image makes us smile too and value Africa's diverse natural beauty.

5. The River in the Sky

This short haiku poem by Angelou helps us notice the amazing things in nature. She compares a river to the sky in a way that makes a pretty picture in our minds. By saying a river is like the sky, she makes us see the river in a new and wonderful way. Angelou wants us to find beauty in places we might not expect.

This haiku encourages us to look around at the natural world. We might see something ordinary, like a river flowing. But her words make us appreciate it as something beautiful and special, like the sky. Angelou shows us that if we open our eyes, we can find pretty sights everywhere in nature. Even common things can seem magical and lovely when we pay closer attention. Her haiku reminds us to take the time to explore and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.

6. Autumn Leaves

In this short haiku poem, Angelou talks about how life changes naturally. She celebrates the beauty of these natural changes that happen over time. The example she uses is leaves falling from trees in the autumn season. This image of falling autumn leaves shows us that change is normal and natural. It reminds us to accept the different cycles and stages of life.

Just like the seasons change from summer to fall, our own lives also have different stages. We shouldn't fight against these natural changes, but accept them. Angelou wants us to find beauty in every stage and season of life. Even though leaves falling can seem like an ending, it's just part of the cycle before spring comes again. Her haiku encourages us to appreciate the pretty sights in every phase of the natural rhythms of life.

Inspirational Quotes From Legendary Poet Maya Angelou To Lift Your Spirits

  • "We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated."
  • "Whatever you want to do, if you want to be great at it, you have to love it and be able to make sacrifices for it."
  • "Nothing will work unless you do."
  •  "All great achievements require time."
  •  "Easy reading is damn hard writing. But if it's right, it's easy. It's the other way around, too. If it's slovenly written, then it's hard to read."
  •  "I had given up some youth for knowledge, but my gain was more valuable than the loss."
  •  "I'm grateful to intelligent people. That doesn't mean educated. That doesn't mean intellectual. I mean really intelligent. What black old people used to call 'mother wit' means intelligence that you had in your mother's womb."
  • "While the rest of the world has been improving technology, Ghana has been improving the quality of man's humanity to man."
  • "Don't get older just to get wiser. If you get older, you will be wiser, I believe that - if you dare. But get older because it's fun!"
  • "Achievement brings its own anticlimax."
  • "It is a no-fail, incontrovertible reality: If you get, give. If you learn, teach. You can't do anything with that except do it."

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Maya Angelou: The Great Motivational Poet 

Maya Angelou's words are like a guiding light, helping us in many parts of our lives, even at work. She was famous for writing poems, sharing stories, and fighting for fairness. Even though she's known for her poetry, her wisdom can help us in any job we have. Maya teaches us to keep going, be ourselves, and find meaning in what we do. No matter our job or challenges, Maya's words remind us. Hard work and being true to ourselves are what matter. As Maya said, "You have to work hard to make things happen." This means that we have to put effort into what we do to see results. Maya Angelou's messages are like a guidebook for living a good life, no matter where we are or what we do.


What lessons can we learn from Maya Angelou?

Learn about being strong, caring, brave, and creative from the stories she tells in her poetry.

How does Maya Angelou inspire me?

Maya Angelou's poems inspire. They do this by sharing truths about life. They make us think about who we are and how we can be true to ourselves.

What is the most important thing about Maya Angelou?

Maya Angelou's poems are important. They help everyone feel stronger and more understanding. They stand up for fairness and kindness.

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