9 Easy Steps to Write a Free Verse Poem

Follow this short guide to help you express your thoughts and make your free verse poem more interesting.

By:   Hazel Max, Published on: 2024-02-23, Last Updated: 22-04-24

Reviewed by: Stephan Spencer

Table of Contents

Imagine you're an artist with words, painting on a canvas where there are no rules or limits. That's what writing a free verse poem is like! You can say and show things however you like, especially by making them yours.

In the late 19th century, poets such as Walt Whitman chose to ignore traditional poetry rules. They wanted to be free to express themselves. They created free verse poetry, which became a powerful voice for modern times. 

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.” - Walt Whitman

Today, we'll explore the characteristics of a free verse poem and the easy steps to making your poem. Are you ready? So, let's begin!

What is a Free Verse Poem?

Free verse poetry is not like other types of poetry. It doesn't have to rhyme or follow specific syllable rules. Poets can have fun changing how they break lines, the rhythm, and the images they make with words. This helps the words sound more like how people talk in real life.

Characteristics of Free Verse Poetry

Have you ever thought about why free verse poetry is so interesting? It's because it doesn't follow strict rules like traditional poetry. Free verse poets don't have to rhyme or count syllables. They can be creative and write however they like. 

They can break lines wherever they like and don't have to stick to a specific rhythm. It's like letting your imagination loose in a wide-open space. Free verse poetry uses easy words and colorful descriptions. Poets can express their feelings freely and paint vivid pictures with their words.

Free Verse vs. Blank Verse

Blank verse is a type of poetry that's a bit like free verse, but it has a special rhythm called iambic pentameter. It's different from free verse because it sticks to this rhythm, which is like a pattern of beats in each line. 

This rhythm makes the poem sound musical and pleasant to listen to. Blank verse allows poets to follow rules while still expressing themselves. It's a nice mix of structure and creativity, showing the variety and beauty of poetry.

Free Verse Poem Examples

Let's look at some famous free verse poems to understand what free verse poetry is all about.

Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself"

I celebrate myself, and sing myself,

And what I assume you shall assume,

For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

Langston Hughes' "The Negro Speaks of Rivers"

I've known rivers:

I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the

flow of human blood in human veins.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

How Do You Write a Free Verse Poem?

Generating a free verse poem is like painting with words. You have total freedom to express yourself however you want. It's all about letting your emotions and creativity flow. Here are nine easy steps to help you make your special poem.

1. Choose Your Theme

Think about what's important to you when you choose a topic. Whether your own experiences, what you believe in, or what matters to you. This strong connection helps you explore and understand the topic better. 

2. Make It Imagery

Use colorful and lively words to create a detailed picture that pulls you in. Describe things using your senses, like sight, smell, and touch, to make the story rich and vivid.

3. Experiment with Line Breaks

When you try putting line breaks in your writing in different places, it can make your writing look nice and interesting. You can control how fast or slow someone reads your writing, and you can make certain words or phrases stand out more. 

4. Find Your Voice

Let your real self show in your writing. Share your personality and experiences in a way that stands out. Be genuine and sincere, so your readers can feel connected to you. This creates a strong bond between you and your audience.

5. Use Figurative Language

To make your poem more interesting and detailed, try using different writing methods, like comparing things (metaphors) or saying something is like something else (similes). This will make your poem deeper and more interesting, making it more artistic.

6. Capture Moments

Show feelings in short moments instead of just telling the story straight.

7. Edit And Simplify

To make your poem better, you need to look at it closely. Take out any extra words and make your descriptions clear and colorful.

8. Seek Feedback

It's really helpful to show your work to close friends or mentors you trust. They can give you useful feedback and suggestions that can make your projects better. This helps improve the quality and effectiveness of what you're working on.

9. Trust Your Skills

Believe in your creativity, and don't be afraid to try new things. When you try new ideas, you'll realize how talented you are. This will lead you to come up with new and unique ideas.

Why Write Free Verse Poems?

Free verse poetry is like a big playground for creative writing. Poets can do whatever they want without worrying about following any rules. They can use words in all sorts of ways to express themselves. When poets write this way, they connect with their feelings, thoughts, and readers.

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Final Thoughts

As we finish talking about free verse poetry, I want to say: it's all about being free and spontaneous. Whether you're a pro poet or just starting out, free verse lets you express yourself however you want. So, grab your pen, be creative, and let your words flow however they like on the paper.


Q: Do free verse poems have to follow any rules?

A: Free verse poems are different from regular poems. Regular poems follow rules for rhyming and rhythm, but free verse poems don't. They still need to make sense and have a purpose in their writing and imagery.

Q: How do I know if my free verse poem is any good?

A: Free verse poetry is special because it doesn't follow strict rules. What makes a poem good is how much it makes you feel and connect with it. Listen to your feelings, and it's okay to ask others for their thoughts.

Q: Can free verse poems be about anything?

A: Of course! Free verse poetry gives you a lot of freedom. You can write about anything you want. It could be about love, sadness, nature, or anything else you feel. There are no strict rules, so you can let your imagination run freely.

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